Alison Brooks, David Chipperfield and John McAslan among field of six runners

LSE competition

35 Lincoln’s Inn Fields

伦敦政治经济学院公布了六个入围的设计团队,他们将在林肯Inn Fields开发一座价值超过1亿英镑的新学术建筑。

It features Alison Brooks Architects, with Nigerian practice Studio Contra; David Chipperfield Architects with south-east London-based Feix & Merlin Architects; and John McAslan & Partners, working with US practice Tod Williams Billie Tsien Architects and Bangladesh’s Marina Tabassum.

在重新开发前皇家外科医生学院建筑35林肯的Inn Fields的项目是贝尔法斯特的Hall McKnight;Feilden Clegg Bradley工作室与丹麦实践公司Lendager合作;以及丹麦的Dorte Mandrup与John Robertson建筑事务所的联合竞标。

伦敦经济学院的设计要求是一座12540平方米的新学术大楼,将容纳会议设施、高管教育、数据科学研究所和相关学术部门以及Firoz Lalji非洲研究所。该项目还有望成为伦敦经济学院第一座净零碳建筑。

Launching the RIBA-run competition in December, LSE director of estates Julian Robinson said he was open to smaller practices entering in partnership with more established firms, as well as to the possibility of international studios teaming up with local architects.

He also cautioned that redevelopment of 35 Lincoln’s Inn Fields waslikely to be the university’s last big commission for the foreseeable futureand “has to be an outstanding piece of architecture, further enhancing the reputation and brand of LSE”.


Source: Nigel Stead/LSE

O’Donnell & Tuomey’s Saw Swee Hock student centre at the LSE, which was shortlisted for the Stirling Prize in 2014

RIBA’s architect adviser to LSE Cindy Walters said the competition attracted architectural practices of the highest calibre from around the world, and that more than 100 expressions of interest had been received.

“The shortlist is a rich and balanced mix of extraordinary architectural talent, who have all placed environmental sustainability front and centre of their aspirations for the project,” she said.

“The selection process has been rigorous and inclusive and reflects the ambition of the exceptional client that the LSE has become.”

入围的团队将于5月中旬向项目评审团提交提案。小组成员包括Julian Robinson, David Higgins,前LSE学生和项目赞助人Firoz Lalji, LSE教授Ricky Burdett和Grafton建筑事务所的Shelley McNamara。

Previous winners of LSE design competitions include Grimshaw Architects, O’Donnell & Tuomey, RHSP and Grafton Architects.

O’Donnell & Tuomey’s Saw Swee Hock student centre for LSE was shortlisted for the Stirling Prize in 2014.

The site and retention

35 Lincoln’s Inn Fields was occupied by the Royal College of Surgeons until the LSE bought it, giving it ownership of most of the south side of the historic square.

The university said its architectural advisors had concluded that there were two possible strategies for redeveloping 35 LIF.

One suggests retaining part of the core structure of the building to save in embodied carbon. But this will need to be balanced against the brief requirements in relation to efficiency and floor area, it said.

The second envisages demolition to street level while preserving most of the basement areas should this be technically feasible.