Interview: We’ve never found a practice who are our pin-ups

Ed + Ferg Royal Street facade Kendal Noctor

Source: Kendal Noctor

They used to look up to YAYA winners – then they joined those ranks. This year they took the AYA crown. So what’s next for Fergus Feilden and Ed Fowles, asks Elizabeth Hopkirk

We are recording a podcast in a small room stuffed with trophies, models and sketches, the late autumn sun pouring in from a pretty, walled garden. Shadows from branches laden with crab apples dance across the walls as Edmund Fowles and Fergus Feilden outline their vision for the practice they founded just over a decade ago. Outside, sheep bleat and hens cluck – yet we are 400m from Waterloo station and Big Ben.

坦率地说,费尔登·福尔斯(Feilden Fowles)在说服员工在封锁后重返工作岗位方面没有遇到什么困难,这是一种田园牧歌,并不令人意外。在伦敦市中心的建筑工作室里,你不可能通过喂猪或挖土豆来清醒头脑,也不可能在树下举行客户会议和团队午餐。

Shortly after their return this summer, the practicewon Building Design’s coveted Architect of the Year Award (AYA). It is just five years since it was crowned Young Architect (YAYA) – a record. The judges clearly think they are set for greatness, but do Ed and Ferg, as they are known, find their heads turned by the towers looming over the animal pens or do they favour a more organic approach to growth?

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