More than any of his predecessors, Boris Johnson was a PM obsessed with big building projects, writes Ben Flatman


He was the Old Etonian who excelled at failing upwards. But now that the keys of Number 10 are finally being ripped from his hands, it seems appropriate to look back at his legacy to the built environment.

As a young boy Boris Johnson dreamed of one day becoming “world king”. It was perhaps these delusions of grandeur that instilled in him such a love of big projects.

He’s described being British Prime Minister as “the best job in the world,” but perhaps the French presidency would have suited him better. Like a pound shop Mitterrand, he seemed obsessed with leaving a built legacy – the bigger and more ambitious the better.

Johnson was sometimes frustrated in the implementation of his heroic plans. And yet, as with some of history’s most influential architects, this doesn’t mean his unbuilt legacy is insubstantial. As the US architectural critic Michael J. Crosbie has observed, “An unbuilt work of architecture is never ’diluted’, never value-engineered. It preserves a certain vigor by virtue of its incompletion.”

Built and unrealised, here are just some of Johnson’s contributions to the architectural history of this country.

Unbuilt: Boris Island

Foster & Partners' proposals for a hub airport on the Isle of Grain in the Thames Estuary. The scheme would have offered 24-hour services and featured four runways.

Source: Foster & Partners

Foster & Partners事务所在泰晤士河口Grain岛设计的枢纽机场。该计划将提供24小时服务,并设有四条跑道。


Although the Heathrow flight path sits directly above many of London and the south east’s most expensive residential areas, the constant din from low flying aircraft makes many of them frankly hellish places to spend a Sunday afternoon in the garden.

因此,这可以说是约翰逊提出的不那么愚蠢的建议之一。可惜,这永远不会实现,因为他的宿敌戴维•卡梅伦(David Cameron)在2016年否决了这个想法,当时他批准了希思罗机场修建第三条跑道的计划。

> Also read: Farrell says Boris failed on airport debate

Built: the new Routemaster

front of new Routemaster Courtesy of Transport for London

Source: Courtesy of Transport for London

The new Routemaster

虽然不是严格意义上的建筑环境,但也足以引起人们的注意。在2008年约翰逊竞选市长时,这款新的“马路大师”是他竞选市长时的宣言承诺之一。Johnson had tapped into widespread public disdain toward Ken Livingston’s new fleet of “bendy busses”, which were notorious for blocking key central London thoroughfares and causing a spate oftragic traffic accidents.

A design competition in 2008 included entries from Future Systems and was won by Foster + Partners. However, Heatherwick Studios ended up as the lead designers and the new buses entered service in early 2012.


The cost of the buses was reportedly significantly higher than conventional double decker designs and they have been criticised for poor ventilation and overheating on the top floor.

However, it would be churlish to pretend that Heatherwick’s design has been anything other than a positive addition to the capital’s streetscapes. Amidst a sea of bland buses, the new Routemaster stands out for its elegance and judicious updating of a much-loved London icon.

Unbuilt: the Garden Bridge


Source: Arup

Computer rendering the Garden Bridge by Heathwick Studio

This wasn’t actually one of Boris’s own ideas, but it was a project with which he became inextricably linked during his time in City Hall. With its long list of high society backers, the Garden Bridge was like catnip for the former mayor, who couldn’t resist the intoxicating mix of wealthy donors and ready headlines.

However, this second collaboration with Heatherwick ran into strong headwinds from those who objected to the bridge’s location, funding model and access policy. Although initially pitched as a public space, it became increasingly clear that the bridge would be closed for private functions for much of the time. And many felt that it would block cherished views along the Thames.

Ultimately it became embroiled in a scandal about the amount of public funding it was receiving, with Johnson alleged to have essentially given it a blank cheque paid for from the Transport for London coffers.


Built: the ArcelorMittal Orbit


Source: Shutterstock

The ArcelorMittal Orbit

A typically Johnsonian flight of fancy, the ArcelorMittal was commissioned to give the 2012 Olympic site a visual focus and recognisable landmark. Designed by artist Anish Kapoor, with the engineering and technical support of Cecil Balmond of Arup Group, it supposedly draws inspiration from both the Eiffel Tower and Vladimir Tatlin’s unbuilt Monument to the Third International.

On the only occasion I’ve visited, it had a rather forlorn feel and visitor numbers are reportedly far below what was expected.

If I’m honest, I like the underlying idea, but have to admit the design is underwhelming. Should we blame Boris or simply recognise it as a well intentioned but ultimately disappointing failure?

Built: the London residential space standards


It’s easy to ridicule some of Johnson’s more outlandish ideas, but the reintroduction of minimum space standards for residential development in London during his time as mayor was met with widespread support. It marked a major change from the laissez-faire approach that had prevailed ever since the Thatcher government banned the construction of new council housing (and the Parker Morris Standards) in 1980.

Their perceived inflexibility has met criticism in some quarters, with some architects arguing that ultra small residential units are actually an essential part of addressing the housing crisis.

Perhaps one of the biggest impacts in terms of what we see from the street has been the proliferation of large balconies.

Built: the ruination of the London skyline


Source: Ben Flatman

Although Ken Livingstone deserves plenty of credit for this one, Johnson was a key player in ushering in London’s current high-rise frenzy. Elected to City Hall on a promise that he would prevent London becoming “Dubai on Thames”, he then proceeded to do the exact opposite.

During his time as mayor hundreds of approvals were granted for high rises across London, with apparently no clear strategy for their location and little regard for their impact on what for centuries had been a typically mid-rise European city.

The horse has now well and truly bolted, but future generations will surely look back and wonder what madness caused Londoners to suddenly vandalise their skyline in the early part of the 21stcentury.

Built: Nine Elms


Source: Building Design

Nine Elms

Another one that was built, but which we can all agree on wishing hadn’t been. Nine Elms is a ghetto of buy to let investor rabbit hutches, where commitments to affordable housing and basic concepts of good urban design have been largely abandoned.



Unbuilt: the Irish Sea Bridge


Source: Shutterstock

Having ”got Brexit done” and erected a border in the middle of the North Sea, Johnson was soon facing the intractable problem of the Northern Ireland Protocol and associated barriers to trade between the six counties and mainland UK. His proposed solution was to get building.

Unlike Boris Island, this megaproject never had much mainstream support or basis in engineering reality. But perhaps that’s why Johnson loved it so much.

Proposed designs included a bridge across Beaufort’s Dyke, an area of the Irish Sea used as a dumping ground for surplus World War One munitions and therefore a literal minefield.

Other options included a tunnel, but without Johnson’s unerring enthusiasm for big infrastructure, this one seems destined to remain on the drawing board indefinitely.

Built: the Downing Street flat refurbishment


Source: Shutterstock

约翰逊对首相公寓的臭名昭著的翻新只是吞噬他首相生涯的众多丑闻之一。特雷莎·梅(Theresa May)的约翰·刘易斯(John Lewis)家具被淘汰,室内设计师露露·利特尔(Lulu Lytle)进来了,她以热爱仿贵族印花和纺织品而闻名。

Gold-coloured wallpaper helped drive the project costs up to at least £200,000. Never happier than when spending other people’s money, it seemed only natural to Johnson that a Conservative Party donor should cover the cost of his and Carrie’s redecorating.

Johnson was reportedly left aghast by his then-fiancé’s lavish spending and the press had a field day. Lytle doubtless wishes she had never crossed the Downing Street threshold.

Unbuilt: the Chequers tree house


Source: Shutterstock

Chequers Court, the country home of the British Prime Minister

Frustrated that many of his Grand Projets had failed to materialise, Johnson belatedly scaled back his ambitions with this proposed tree house at Chequers.

Reported to have had a budget of £150k, and replete with bullet prove windows, it was scuppered due to wider security concerns.